05.19.2023 Updates

OpenSea has been hard at work helping to build the API to be valuable to the broader Web3 ecosystem. Here are some of the ways, the API has changed this week:

Bidding Precision Decision

A couple weeks ago, we posted an RFC about a proposal to update our bidding precision logic. Thank you for all of your feedback. The final decision is listed below with all rationale. Thank you again for being so engaged with us.

05.12.2023 Updates

OpenSea has been hard at work helping to build the API to be valuable to the broader Web3 ecosystem. Here are some of the ways, the API has changed this week:

Seaport 1.5 Release

Seaport 1.5 is released and currently being used by all new orders on the OpenSea website.
Developers have a 7 day deadline, May 9th, to make the changes required. On May 9th, all future orders using Seaport 1.4 will be rejected.

RFC on Bidding Precision Update

A couple weeks ago, we announced an update to our bidding precision rules. We heard loudly from our developer community that these changes would negatively impact bidding on items on OpenSea. We want to make sure we incorporate your feedback into these changes, so we're presenting our plan here as a Request for Comment ahead of the proposed go-live.

v1 Asset Contract Chain Identifier

The v1 AssetContract model has been updated to include chain_identifier, which indicates which chain the contract exists on.

Fulfillment Data Integer Serialization

We're changing the way we serialize potentially large integer values in our fulfillment data payloads. Before the change, we were encoding these large integers as numbers in our JSON response, but we'll be encoding them as strings going forward. This is intended to address issues with languages like JavaScript that have difficulty parsing large integers.

Collection and Trait Offer Fulfillment

We now support fetching fulfillment data for criteria offers (collection and trait offers). You can see the updated documentation here.

Listings Currency Bug Fix

Fixed a bug where all listings had eth as the currency.

Fulfillment Endpoints

On February 23rd, 2023 we released two new fulfillment endpoints which contain all of the information needed to fulfill offers and listings