API V2 Fully Supported

Over the past 3 months, OpenSea has been closing the feature disparity between the V1 and V2 API. The V2 API is superior to V1 in many ways including:

  • Multi-Chain Support
  • Lower Latency
  • Reduced Response Sizes
  • Increased Stability

As of October 4th, 2023, 7 new V2 API endpoints are available and OpenSea will cease providing ongoing support for any V1 endpoints. On December 5th, OpenSea V1 API will be shut down.

New V2 APIs

7 New Endpoints are now available to the public.

  • Get Account
  • Get Contract
  • Get Collection(s)
  • Get Collection Stats
  • Get Traits
  • Get Order
  • Get Events

For detailed information on each of these endpoints, see the API Reference Docs

Rate Limit Changes

OpenSea intentionally made the V2 API more granular. In V1, there were many endpoints which returned a large amount of data with a single call. This design was one of the reasons the V1 endpoints had high latency, large responses, and many errors.

Because V2 endpoints are more efficient but require more requests for the same data, OpenSea has decided to increase the rate limit for all V2 API endpoints.

Documentation Update

To help with the transition, OpenSea has invested time making improvements to our OpenSea API Reference docs. Every endpoint now includes all path parameters, query parameters, and responses with the proper types and descriptions.

In addition, the API is now OpenAPI compliant. This allows users to download the OpenAPI spec to import it into a Postman Collections or generate a client library in many popular languages/frameworks including C#, Groovy, Java, Python, Rust, Swift, etc.

Download the OpenAPI Spec.

V1 Deprecation

As of October 4th, 2023, OpenSea will cease providing ongoing support for any V1 endpoints. We understand the potential impact of the migration from V1 to V2 on those in the Web3 ecosystem, and are providing a 2-month period for applications to fully make this transition. On December 5th, OpenSea V1 API will be shut down. On this date, all V1 API requests will be return 404-Not Found errors.

If there are any questions or concerns, including any V1 features missing in V2, reach out via a support ticket or the official OpenSea Discord.