
New Orders Endpoint for Items

Edit: Instead of a single endpoint for orders, we've rolled out two separate endpoints to fetch listings (/asset/:contract_address/:token_id/listings) and offers (/asset/:contract_address/:token_id/offers).

What: We are rolling out a new endpoint for fetching the open orders on an asset /asset/:contract_address/:token_id/orders, and eventually deprecating and removing orders returned in the /asset/:contract_address/:token_id and the /assets endpoint

Why: Returning detailed asset information including a full list of orders has led to underperforming APIs on our platform.

This resulted in reduced platform performance as a whole, and we are working to improve OpenSea’s reliability. You will still be able to access the same data from an optimized dedicated endpoint.

The orders returned for each asset were also limited to 50 orders per asset. There is currently no way to fetch additional pages of these orders, leading to a less than ideal experience for developers. The new orders endpoint will have cursor pagination enabled, meaning that you will be able to see greater than 50 open orders for an asset.

Developer Action: In the coming weeks, we will slowly be rolling out the new /asset/:contract_address/:token_id/orders endpoint. If you rely on the /asset/:contract_address/:token_id endpoint for finding all the orders for an asset, we recommend you prepare to move your logic to call the new endpoint.

We will continue returning orders on the original /asset/:contract_address/:token_id endpoint until March 1st. After this date, we will only return orders on that endpoint if you also pass in include_orders=true as a query parameter to the original endpoint. After March 21st, we will stop returning orders altogether on the /asset/:contract_address/:token_id endpoint. At that point, the only way to fetch those orders will be with the new /asset/:contract_address/:token_id/orders endpoint.