New Release: Best Offer and Best Listing Endpoints

Today, we are launching two new endpoints: one endpoint to get the highest bid for an NFT and one endpoint to get the cheapest listing for an NFT.

What do these endpoints do?

Best Offer: returns the highest offer on your NFT (across all offer types)

Best Listing: returns the cheapest available listing for a NFT

Why did we launch these endpoints?

We want consumers of our API to be able to easily answer the most basic questions around buying and selling:

  • "What is the most I can sell my NFT for right now"
  • "What is the cheapest purchase price out there for this NFT right now"

Before this launch, it was difficult to find the best available prices. Take the following example:

  • Trait Offer (on Trait X): $100
  • Trait Offer (on Trait Y): $150
  • Collection Offer: $25
  • Item (Basic) Offer: $75

Previously, you'd need to make 4 API calls (one for each trait, one for the collection offer, and one for the item offer) - then sort the results. Our new API endpoints do all of that work for you -- one call to (offers/collection/\<collection_slug>/nfts/<identifier>/best) would return the Trait Offer worth $150.