Your API key allows you to access the Stream API and all V1 and V2 endpoints. You can use your API key on mainnet, but the testnet endpoints do not require keys.

How do I get an API key?

Follow these steps to request an API key. Each account can generate up to three API keys.

  1. On, hover over your Profile icon and select Settings.
  2. On the left side of the page, click Developer.
  3. Click Verify in profile to verify your email address. Anonymous email addresses are not supported at this time.
  4. After verifying your email address, navigate back to the Developer section and click Get access.
  1. Fill out your Organization Name, Website, and Intended use of the OpenSea API.
  1. Click Submit.
  2. Fill out the Recaptcha.
  3. You’ll be directed back to the Developer section in your Account settings. Click Create API key.
  4. Name your key and click Create new key.

You’ll be able to see your API key and the key’s expiration date. To use your API key, include it in the headers of your request in the X-API-KEY field.

If you can access the Developer tab, and after going through the flow you still see a message stating you cannot access the developer hub at this time, you can file a support ticket by choosing Developing and API → Request API key.

Rate limits

We put rate limits in place to protect our platform and improve the availability of our API. If you’ve hit rate limits when fetching marketplace data, we recommend checking your call patterns and using the Stream API and V2 endpoints to make fewer calls.

Select users are eligible for a rate limit increase. You can apply for a rate limit increase using this form.

Existing API Keys

If you already have an API key, it won’t show in the Developer section of your profile, but it will function as normal until further notice.

Expiring Keys

If your API key is expiring soon, we recommend applying for a new key, replacing your old key before it expires, and deleting the previous one.

More information

For product updates to the OpenSea API you can check our Changelog or follow us on Twitter:

If you have questions that aren’t answered in our developer docs, you can join our Discord and post in the #dev-support channel.