Requiring side parameter on /wyvern/v1/orders

What: As of April 26, we will require the side parameter to be included in all requests to the /wyvern/v1/orders endpoint. This parameter is used to filter the response to either buy or sell orders and was previously optional. Moving forward, requests will fail if they don’t include this parameter.

Delaying removal of orders from assets endpoints

What: We’re delaying the removal of orders from our /assets and /asset/:contract_address/:token_id endpoints, which we had previously communicated would take place on March 21. Developers will be able to continue issuing requests with the optional include_orders flag set to true in order to fetch orders using these endpoints. We will provide an updated plan and date for this migration in the coming weeks.


Updated timeline for March 1 API migrations

What: We’re extending the timeline to March 8 for a set of changes to our API that were previously announced as part of Wyvern 2.3 Developer Upgrade Guide and were set to take effect on March 1. The following changes will now take effect on March 8:


Limits on Order Expiration Time

What: Starting on March 8, we’ll enforce limits on the duration of new buy and sell orders issued through our SDK.  Here’s how:


New Orders Endpoint for Items

Edit: Instead of a single endpoint for orders, we've rolled out two separate endpoints to fetch listings (/asset/:contract_address/:token_id/listings) and offers (/asset/:contract_address/:token_id/offers).


Removing Last-Sale Sorting

What: We are deprecating and eventually removing sale_date, sale_count, and sale_price as sort options from /assets


Cursor Pagination

We will be rolling out an update to one of our API endpoints, the events API, to introduce cursor-based pagination.


Added real-time collection stats endpoint

In our most recent update, we've updated some of our documentation to reflect the current state of our API, including some exciting developments to our REST API that will help developers.